Astrology Witchcraft

Scorpio Season 2020

Megan Moonbat

written by : Megan Moonbat

photography : Megan MoonBat

Listen to the playlist


Scorpio Season runs from approximately October 23rd to November 22nd. Scorpio is known as the witchiest of the astrological signs, and this time of year is arguably the most gothed-out, glam time of year. The ominous glyph of the scorpion is the most aggressive of the glyphs: nearly everyone’s at least slightly uncomfortable at the sight of one. Embracing our dark, sinister side is the order of the day…after all, sPoOOOOoOOOOOOOOoooOOOOOOOooooky Halloween happens under Scorpio’s watch.

Scorpio Season dwells in intimacy, depth, power, control, obsession, jealousy, intensity, sensitivity, perception, psychic powers, shadows, drama, trauma and transformation. But before we get carried away by all the mysterious Scorpio cliches, it’s best to remember that there is more to Scorpion complexity than meets the eye…although a fair amount of truth is found in the associations as well. Typically, Scorpio stands in high contrast to the more light-hearted, Pollyannaish Libra Season that precedes it. Considering the more exceptionally fervid Libra Season we just experienced, this year we are more prepared for what Scorpio Season has in store for us. At least a little bit.

Scorpio is more than surface value. Surprisingly, smouldering Scorpio happens to be a water sign, and the most controlled of them all. There is an innate reserved aspect to Scorpios that can give the impression of aloofness, which can be wielded as a bit of a front to shield this sensitive sign desperate for connectedness.

Scorpio Season embraces darkness, it doesn’t run from it. This is a time for becoming friends with our shadow selves. It is peak time for shadow working. You can invite your shadow self over for pizza and you don’t even have to worry about who they’ve been in contact with. Again, Pollyanna! Search with fearless, lazer-point precision and find out what you truly desire. Remember, darkness can be nurturing. It is in darkness that light is created, and it is up to us to build that campfire and fan the flames. A key feature of Scorpio Season is intensity, but this particular year’s intensity is doubled by the pandemic and an upcoming United States Presidential Election whose effect is international. No pressure. At least it’s safe to say that we are not living in a boring time in history.

Scorpio Season 2020 pivots around themes of our definitions of control, main passions and obsessions. As well as being an intense sign, Scorpio is also associated with self-assured power and incitefullness. Its two ruling planets: Mars (planet of desire, action and aggression) and Pluto (planet of intuitive forces, metamorphosis and renewal) result in deeply determined Scorpios who are driven towards truth. Scorpio digs deep, and unwaveringly stares into the void to uncover even the darkest of truths.

Scorpio embraces trauma. Scorpio has the skills of holding and transforming trauma. We each walk the Earth with wounds. To be trauma-free is next to impossible, especially now that humanity as a collective is currently experiencing collective trauma in the forms of political upheaval, ecocide, and a pandemic. It is important to sit with your trauma, to let yourself heal from it. Scorpio Season facilitates that healing process. It tells us to get help if you feel overwhelmed.

The theme of this season is intensity. Everything seems to have an extra layer of weight to it. Expect suspicion and jealousy to quicken more than normal, and heightened nerves expressed in sudden outbursts. The worst this could result in are hurt feelings between those who would otherwise get along. The best could show up as you getting in touch with your own sense of fearlessness. How does your fearlessness manifest itself? Do you stand up to those attempting to intimidate you? Perhaps your fearlessness manifests in you speaking your mind in a situation where you have remained silent while others express opinions that go against yours. Can you use this extra badass Scorpio vibe to disrupt social inertia? Is it wise and safe to do so? Scorpio Season fosters personal strength and empowerment. See how it shows up for you.

Scorpio’s mode is fixed, meaning that during this time the goals we set now have the potential for lasting potency. Conversely, this is also high time for letting things go so we can focus on what is truly worth our time and energy. To maintain the intentions we are setting now, letting go of any useless grudges and resentments that cloud our focus is key.

Scorpio is frequently associated with sexiness and sensuality. During this season, scorpion libidos are bound to be extra-intensified along with every other aspect for that matter. This could manifest in you speaking to your desires openly. Perhaps you have felt repressed and now is the time to do some exploration. It is amiss, however, to limiting Scorpio to only sex. Scorpio is connected to all relationships that are profound, intimate and life-changing. Desire can manifest itself in a myriad of ways, and fluid Scorpio engages all relationships at varying levels of intimacy. Expect close relationships to get more intimate and immediate, regardless of sexual interaction.

Scorpio is all or nothing. This extremist tendency can sometimes lead to not-so-pretty results. Let us not forget the recently passed Libra Season who seeks balance. Finding a happy medium between the extreme hot or cold that makes sense for you is highly suggested. Scorpio Season 2020 is spiky as hell! Everyone is frustrated by pandemic-related sorrows, and political tension is palpable. Right now, everyone is at their wit’s end. It cannot be stressed enough to be careful with how we use our anger right now. Voicing your truth is one thing, but if you are in an immediate situation that is not personally safe, know when to step back and walk away.

All this drama can either seem really appealing or really off-putting depending on your astrological chart. By all means, step back from the situation without being sucked in. Going deep into witch mode is the order of the day, and naturally witchy Scorpio is associated with all things metaphysical. There is no better time than using this potent energy to get deep into a metaphysical practice you’ve been curious about exploring. Using divinitive and therapeutic resources such as astrology, tarot and shadow work can be excellent resources on healing old wounds and traumas.

On the plus side, all this heightened energy can be thrilling and freeing too. Embracing that wilful Scorpio self-possessiveness asks you to seek that which you desire. In this, you may be asked to come to a point where you refuse to settle for less. What is it that you truly want? Are you willing to step outside of your comfort zone to find it?

Scorpio Season is the perfect time to welcome our shadow selves into our lives. Doing this asks us to be courageous enough to examine the things about ourselves and others that we have not been willing to confront. Can you accept these things, or are they holding you back? Exploring your personal wants and desires asks you to reject fear of change and be open to much-needed evolutions in your life, and the world. Scorpio understands that we’re all human, and all humans are capable of darkness as much as light. Instead of pushing things out of sight and out of mind, Scorpio knows that the light and dark within are as natural as they are manageable.


1 ‘I Am a Witch’ – Twin Temple

2 ‘Head Bitch in Charge (H.B.I.C.) – Kim Boekbinder

3 ‘Devil Inside’ – INXS

4 ‘Spooky Bu$Ine$$ - Azizaa Mystic

5 ‘Hard Magic’ – Divine

6 ‘Army of Me’ – Björk

7 ‘Spellwork’ – Austra

8 ‘Gold Dust Woman’ – Fleetwood Mac

9 ‘The Six Strings of Sappho’ – Maxine Gillon

10 ‘Wicked Attraction’ – Maya Songbird

11 ‘Soeur Sewer’ – Zola Jesus

12 ‘Living on the Edge’ – Lebanon Hanover

13 ‘Мертвая Луна’ – IC3PEAK

14 ‘Fangbang’ – Metal Mother

15 ‘Spellbound’ – Siouxsie and the Banshees

16 ‘BURN ME AT THE STAKE’ – Backxwash

17 ‘Absolutely Absent’ – Selofan

18 ‘Show Me Your Pretty Side’ – Tamar Aphek

19 ‘All My Girls Like To Fight’ – Hope Tala

20 ‘Dark Side’ – The Glass Beads

21 ‘Paris’ – Patrick Wolf

22 ‘Confessions’ – Sudan Archives

23 ‘Which Witch’ – Florence + The Machine