Tarot Witchcraft

Lughnasadh Tarot Spread

Megan Moonbat

written by : Megan Moonbat



Lughnasadh (pronounced LOO-nuh-suh; also referred to as Lammas) held halfway between Litha (Summer Solstice) and Mabon (Autumn Equinox), is the first harvest festival of the year. This is the time when we gather together and give thanks for what we have in abundance. At Lughnasadh, the completeness attained from the current harvest holds at its core the seed for all future harvests.

Now is the time for celebrating that which we have in abundance, acknowledging the fullness of the season. This is the time for sharing what we have a wealth of. There are multitudinous things that we are rich in beyond the monetary measurement of capitalism: friends, creative pursuits, love, and companionship for example.

This spread features what you are receiving from the Earth and the cosmos as well as what you still need to continue to actively pursue. Use the cosmic downloads you receive from this spread as a jumping off point towards pursuing your personal goals and ambitions.

1 Where I am currently

2 What am I harvesting this year?

3 What can I share in order to spread good fortune?

4 What do I need in order to continue when I feel my sources are depleted?

5 What should I continue to nurture throughout the remainder of this year?